The Last Match

B Street Theatre
July — September, 2019

Played out under the bright lights of the U.S. Open Semifinals, The Last Match pits rising Russian star Sergei Sergeyev against American great Tim Porter in an epic showdown that follows two tennis titans through pivotal moments in their lives both on-and-off the court.


This gripping, fast-paced story captures the intense world of competitive sports, and human rivalry, and what it means to want something — and the lengths we will go to in order to feel relevant, important, and young.

Images courtesy of © B Street Theatre

 Selected Press

“Last Match engages us in the tennis match itself, but we are eventually riveted by what the exchanges gradually reveal about each combatant’s inner conflict.”

“B Street Theater's “Last Match” is a fast-paced tennis play”
Jonathan L. Price – The Sacramento Bee

“80 minutes of fast-paced, witty and gripping theater.”

The Sacramento Bee

“this is a winning match, with a talented twosome who manage keep their balls in play at all times”

“Review: The Last Match at B Street Theatre”
Patti Roberts – The Sacramento News & Review


Jason Kuykendall
Hunter Hoffman
Elisabeth Nunziato
Stephanie Altholz

 Creative Team

Director: Sherri Eden Barber
Playwright: Anna Ziegler 
Producing Artistic Director: Buck Busfield
Executive Producer: Jerry Montoya
Associate Artistic Director: Lyndsay Burch
Artistic Producer: Dave Pierini 
Stage Manager: Lynnae Vana
Rehearsal Stage Manager: Kaitlyn Speakman 
Assistant Production Manager: Emmett Jaeger 
Scenic Design: Ian Wallace 
Sound Design: Megan Culley
Costume Design: Paulette Gilbert-Sands 
Lighting Design: Wade McKenzie-Bahr 
Technical Director: Ron Madonia
Production Assistant: Jasmine Simmers


Tiny Beautiful Things


To Let Go and Fall