Press Highlights


“This story is compelling and a tremendously satisfying research endeavor. Ricochet Collective is stacked with talent and if these ideas are any indication, the company is an enormous creative force… I look forward to more of their work.”

Keith Paul Medelis, Theatre is Easy

“[Wildfires] is a compelling story; a fascinating showcase for several enormously talented actors; and a credit to the Ricochet Collective, which commissioned it.”

Edward Karam, OffOffOnline

Fascinating...nothing short of brilliant... one of the best off-off Broadway shows I have seen to date... the actors are phenomenal... knows exactly how to not only stir (more like unravel) the emotions within each of us, but also makes audiences question what is hidden beneath the hard truth of the matter, and whether reality is open to interpretation.”

Kristen Morale, BroadwayWorld

“The one element that really impresses me is the staging by director Barber who keeps a smooth and solid flow of letters, both questions and answers, back and forth between the four. The acting is terrific from everyone.”

Don Grigware, BroadwayWorld

“Barber keeps Strayed’s letter writers on stage in her living room, […] thereby allowing [the audience] to become not just advice-seekers but observer/listeners as well.

Steven Stanley, StageSceneLA

“Director, Sherri Eden Barber, imagines a magical setting […] where we accept that the connection between Sugar and her seekers of advice are presented in conversation.“

On Stage Los Angeles

“80 minutes of fast-paced, witty and gripping theater.”

The Sacramento Bee

“this is a winning match, with a talented twosome who manage keep their balls in play at all times”

“Review: The Last Match at B Street Theatre”
Patti Roberts – The Sacramento News & Review

“Last Match engages us in the tennis match itself, but we are eventually riveted by what the exchanges gradually reveal about each combatant’s inner conflict.”

“B Street Theater's “Last Match” is a fast-paced tennis play”
Jonathan L. Price – The Sacramento Bee

“Director Sherri Eden Barber brings out beauty in her six actors […] They complete each other’s performances and help you over abrupt flash points, predictability, and a few cheesy lines.”

Review: “To Let Go and Fall”
Lianna Matt McLernon — Minnesota Monthly

“Here, we see the direction by Sherri Eden Barber really shine, as she was able to get such raw emotion out of these scenes within this time.“

Falling For TO LET GO AND FALL at Theater Latte Da
Branden Joseph — BroadwayWorld

“If To Let Go feels like it is as much a tone poem as it is a work of drama, it’s partly because director Barber lets the show breathe on Maruti Evans’ gorgeous, hyper-modern set. The pacing allows for the characters’ emotions and memories to reach the audience like thoughts rippling out from pennies dropped in a pool.“

Theater Latté Da plays with memory, romance with 'To Let Go and Fall'
Rohan Preston — Star Tribune

Thanks to director Sherri Eden Barber, the action largely plays out in an incredibly organic way that brings the tension from a simmer to a boil with ease, and the play unfolds without the pressure of having to get to the next event.”

“Herman Kline's Midlife Crisis”
Chris Kompanek – Theater Mania

Crisply directed by Sherri Eden Barber, this At Play production benefits enormously from Mr. LeFevre, who deftly conveys a wide range of emotions, from a fear of mortality to a wistful nostalgia to a goofy self-deprecation.”

“So, Doctor, Isn’t There a Pill to Cure Middle-Aged Angst?”
Daniel M. Gold – New York Times

“The experience is stressful and emotionally exhausting largely because of their exceptionally convincing distress and desperation. Barber does a great job of creating controlled chaos even before tragedy strikes. […] good friday is worthwhile, complex, and will undoubtedly spark necessary and urgent dialogue. ”

“Good Friday”
Ken Kaissar – Theatre is Easy

“A scorching and ingeniously plotted exploration of feminism versus rape culture in the contemporary United States is achieved in good friday […] Levity and tension are attained through director Sherri Eden Barber’s fiery staging combined with snappy sequences of overlapping dialogue and humorous cross talk. ”

“Good Friday”
Darryl Reilly – TheaterScene.Net

“Despite their battiness, the characters are vibrant, complex and always fun to watch. Sherri Eden Barber’s direction lends the play the freewheeling feel of Lewis Carroll mixed with the creepiness of The Twilight Zone.

“Review: Mr. Landing Takes A Fall”
Aviva Woolf – StageBuddy

“Director Sherri Eden Barber has also done an excellent job of keeping all of the actors on the same page—they comfortably inhabit this bizarre world […] the actors never lose their energy or commitment to this piece. This production is also blessed with a fantastic design team […] It is a very smart and funny play that isn’t afraid to show humanity at its highest and lowest.”

“Mr. Landing Takes a Fall”
Dave Osmundsen – Theatre is Easy

“By turns whimsical, campy, hallucinatory and poignant, it nods to scads of classic sitcoms, unfolding in a Technicolor world where the men are men and the women are bored at home.”

“Review: In ‘Happily After Ever,’ a Couple’s Impossible Choice”
Laura Collins-Hughes – New York Times

Love and fear face off with each other in this witty sitcom-like battle of the sexes […] The stylistic staging is beautifully helmed by Sherri Eden Barber and crisply played by the accomplished actors, never missing a beat in an entertaining little gem […] Everything merges perfectly” ★★★★

“Happily Ever After”
Patrick Christiano – TheaterLife

“Barber has handled her perfectly cast actors with such a creative and unique touch that I had moments of feeling like Woody Allen and Guy Ritchie had given birth to a slick, punchy, well-edited, unconventional film that I was now experiencing in real life.”

“Review: Happily After Ever”
Tania Fisher – Stage Buddy

“Byron’s play is well-written and his characters are sharply drawn. Ricochet Collective is off to a great start with Gordy Crashes as their inaugural production.”

“Gordy Crashes” Jean Tait – ELJNYC

[An] invigorating and mesmerizing new play... the trio of actors that make up Byron’s play are spectacular.”

“Gordy Triumphs“
Michael Block – Theater in the Now

“...offers up sharp dialog that perfectly captures the insecurity and uncertainty that marks the lives of 20-somethings... Mr. Klasko truly shines as Gordy.

“Gordy Crashes”
Howard Miller – Talkin’ Broadway